Tag Archives: winning

How to win at Monopoly

Seriously, there is nothing more important at this festive time of year than winning the family game of Monopoly. So are there tactics you can use to give yourself an advantage? There certainly are…

The square most landed on in Jail, so the Orange properties are in the prime position for collecting rent. For every 100 hits on Purple of Blue, you tend to get 110 on Green or Yellow, and 122 on Orange or Red.

Secondly, look at the ratio of the maximum rent you can extract from a set of properties to the cost of buying them and building hotels. Light Blue is the best, followed by Orange, Deep Blue, Purple, Yellow, Brown, Red and lastly Green.

Lastly, as you really want to take large rents from your opponents (show no mercy…),ask, for each set, how little you have to spend so that they are liable to have pay at least £750. With Brown and Light Blue you can’t get this. For the rest you can get there by spending £1,760 (Orange), £1,940 (Purple), £1,950 (Deep Blue), £2,150 (Yellow), £2,330 (Red) or £2,720 (Green).

So to summarise…. sell Green, buy Orange!!!

Good luck and Merry Christmas!!