Tag Archives: tricep

Chris Hunt Wellness Pilates Triceps Push Up


Click here to see the first in my series of 15 second videos, the Pilates Tricep Push-up.

This is Level One, starting in all-fours neutral. It’s really important that the nose starts in line with finger-tips. On the in-breath we lower the nose towards the floor so there is a slight movements forward with the body. We return on the out-breath to the starting position. Muscle recruitment is as always vital, so  elbows must stay tucked to ensure we are engaging the tricep muscles. The movement is carried out as slowly as possible.

To make the exercise more difficult, we simply move the hands further away from the knees but still maintain the above rules; nose in line in finger tips to start and moving slightly forwards as we lower, elbows tucked into the sides of the body.

It may look and sound easy, but most people really struggle with this if it’s done correctly. It’s easy to cheat (elbows coming wide and body moving backwards during the move) but of course that just reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
