Tag Archives: russian

What is the difference between Pilates and Yoga?

Chris Hunt Wellness Blog Pilates or Yogawww.chrishuntwellness.com

What is the difference between Pilates and Yoga?

“What’s the difference between Pilates and Yoga” is a question that I am asked probably more than any other, so I am sure all teachers have been asked this many times as well. It is clearly something that many people do not understand.

It’s been a warm weekend in Barcelona. The weather has turned a little so whilst it’s still hot, there is a slight freshness that is reminding everyone that the heady days of summer are passing and that autumn is not so far away now. The children are back at school and there is the usual surge of people wanting to get back into their fitness and health before the next holidays at Christmas and New Year. I like this time of year. The oppressive heat is dying down, and many of the younger people have returned to their colleges or work, so the demographic of visitors here in Barcelona is older and calmer.

During the weekend I was working with some clients who have travelled to Barcelona from Germany and Russia for one of my wellness and fitness retreats, and yet again, the Pilates or yoga question was asked. I like to let the Universe direct me to what my blogs should be about, so the message at the weekend was clear: what is the best way to explain to people the difference between Pilates and yoga?

In my experience, it’s quite typical that many yoga and Pilates devotees are passionate about their chosen discipline, but it’s clear to me that many members of the public do not understand the differences and are therefore not in a good position to decide which is best for them (or of course decide to do both as I do). As people are so passionate about their chosen discipline, if you ask one of them you are unlikely to get an objective and unbiased opinion.

Some Pilates teachers incorporate elements of their yoga practise into their Pilates teachings and vice versa, so sometimes it could be argued that the lines get blurred (can’t resist a musical MTV reference to Miley Cyrus, our twerking Pilates fan!) I use some Kundalini in my Pilates system Pilates EVO, primarily as stretches and transition movements.

So what really and simply is the difference between yoga and Pilates? How do you describe it to your clients who ask?
Let us use as our starting point the following statements and go from there:

Yoga is an ancient practice that focuses the body, mind and spirit. The yoga lifestyle upholds more than just a healthy physical lifestyle by embracing good moral values such as honesty and tolerance. Its intention was to join the individual spirit with the universal spirit. Pilates is a modern school of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates as a way to improve core strength and spinal alignment. Pilates combines flexibility, core strength and body awareness to support physical rehabilitation.

Ancient yoga practices were passed down individually between teacher and student, so there are many schools and types of yoga. Each school of yoga combines a series of postures, breathing exercises and meditation to form different routines. The repetitive movement of yoga can be very therapeutic while also building flexibility and strength. Yoga has also developed popularity as a great way to relieve stress. Exercises are completed on a floor mat and need no special equipment to begin.

Pilates improves your body from the centre outward by strengthening your core and improving your posture. Pilates is considered a resistance exercise to build muscle and support for the body while aiding flexibility. The core and spinal cord are the central and most important part of whole-body strength and awareness. The cornerstones of Pilates exercises include concentration, control, centring, breathing, flow and precision. A floor mat and specialized machines may be used in Pilates practice.

Pilates reigns supreme as the key to a strong core and improved posture. Practitioners experience stronger abdominal muscles and those hard-to-target obliques from holding positions and using resistance. Pilates exercises will make your body appear taller and leaner. You will also see improved flexibility in your hamstrings and hips. Yoga will provide the most improvement in flexibility. Holding poses while focusing on breathing stretches the body and relaxes muscles, and certain poses will target certain muscles.

So do we all agree? If not, can we all agree on a definitive explanation to clearly explain the differences, or in your experience do you not think we really need one?

Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. For more information about Pilates with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.


How to make your Barcelona holiday a health and fitness retreat

Personal training in Barcelona How to make your Barcelona holiday a health and fitness retreat

A holiday means many different things to different people.

Some people go to a beach resort to relax in the sun. Some people choose adventure holidays to explore. Some people like sightseeing breaks or a more gastronomic emphasis to immerse themselves in a different culture. Some people choose sport-based holidays to practise their favourite hobby or try something new like golf, horse-riding, skiing or snowboarding, mountain biking, surfing/SUP or hiking. Others might want music and the arts to form the basis of their vacation.

So why is a holiday to Barcelona such a great choice? It is because in Barcelona you can have every one of the holidays I mention above.

More people are choosing to have some organisation to their holiday. The days of the traditional package holiday may be long gone as people use the internet to create their own designer holidays, but more people want something constructive to do on their holiday. But they do not want a hotel-organised series of events or classes that the hotel manager thinks you will like at a time specified by the hotel. They want a tailor-made, personal itinerary that fits in with individual particular requirements and timescales.

This is where Barcelona Bienestar answers the needs of our clients. There is nothing we cannot arrange and organise for our clients who come to us from all over the world. Barcelona is such a diverse and interesting city and we complement this by giving our clients a personal itinerary so they can maximise their enjoyment of their holiday.

We offer a health and wellness package based around whatever interests our clients. Fitness activities include personal training, Pilates, TRX, boxing, weighted vest training, functional training, HIIT, and programs based around specific sports such as Stand up Paddle (SUP) fitness, skiing/snowboarding, surfing, walking, mountain biking, rock climbing and many more. For all these activities, we arrange time not only training, but also practising. So you will get time on a surf board, on the slopes or on a mountain.

But it’s not just physical activities we offer. We also offer a range of wellness and beauty services including massage, diet, weight loss, eye lash curling and extensions, gel nails and meditation.

We also organise cultural holidays including the arts and gastronomy, and we give advice on all aspects of Barcelona from the best restaurants to the best sights to see.

We take the stress out of organising your holiday, but you are always in control so you have exactly the holiday you want and need. We can simply arrange your activities, or on a full package we can organise your hotel, meals and transfers as well. What ever you want and need.

For more information, click on www.barcelonabienestar.com or contact us and let us organise your dream holiday for you. Barcelona is waiting for you, and so are we.


What are the benefits of using a Personal Trainer?

Barcelona Personal Training www.barcelonabienestar.com

“Beauty does not require sacrifice, its requires regular workouts!“ Julia Nikolajeva, Barcelona Bienestar.

What are the benefits of training with personal fitness trainer?

There are reasons why people choose to use a personal trainer; the main one is that it’s a faster and a more simple way of improving health and physical condition.

Working in and around Barcelona, Barcelona Bienestar offers personal training and other wellness related activities, but today our topic of discussion is pure and simple PT.

According to many surveys, the main reason for using a personal trainer is to get professional help to: improve cardiovascular fitness, posture correction, the development of balance and coordination, flexibility, strength, stamina, stability of the joints, muscle strengthening of the spinal column. This list can also include achieving and maintaining optimal body weight, and the reduction of body fat percentage and the growth of muscle mass, forming shape and tone.

All of this can be accomplished with the help of a qualified (it is best to always check your trainers qualifications as in some places including here in Barcelona there are many unqualified people claiming offering services) professional who will help you set realistic goals and determine a safe strategy. Along with the training process, your personal trainer will tell you about a correct and healthy diet, because as we know, diet (or better call it meal plan) is one of the fundamental dynamics of successful training process. Proper nutrition is the right step to success! A good trainer will work with your current diet to help set realistic changes.

As practice shows, following the plan is the most difficult test for most people. A personal trainer should create conditions and provide their client with the necessary motivation to change their lifestyle with a focus on health and physical activity. If your personal trainer is doing their job properly, they should make frequent measurements of volume and weight, and adjust tracking food and exercise program depending on your goals.

An individual approach to each client is the foundation of a personal trainer. This is the fundamental difference between PT and group exercise. The development of this approach is important because we are all different, with different characteristics and limitations in our health. 70% of our clients here in Barcelona who use personal trainers have specific health problems such as arthritis, obesity, osteochondrosis, or problems with the spine of various kinds. A good PT will help you to achieve your goals, taking into account your individual circumstances and condition. Your personal trainer can work in conjunction with a specialist responsible for your physical condition, with a view to developing more effective training programs for you, including solving health problems. The logic is simply: you get maximum results in minimal time, by using a program that is designed just for you.

Of course, apart from anything else, the best motivation for most people is to work with a person who takes control and leads them on the path to their goals together. Another great motivating point to create and maintain action without excuses is that it is an obligation to someone who is interested in your results and provides personal attention and support.

Varying the workouts is great for the mind and body. At Barcelona Bienestar we use equipment like TRX, weighted vests, balls, bands, jump ropes, and we use use methods such as boxing, HIIT (high intensity interval training) and many functional training exercises.

The services of personal coaching are enjoyed by people with many different levels of fitness, condition, age and affluence. The benefits of working with a personal trainer are visible and effective, and they are also now much more affordable so are no longer a luxury item or a closed service only for the rich and famous.

You are a modern human with abilities, skills, ambitions and dreams. Personal training can help you to unlock you potential.

Julia Nikolajeva is a personal trainer with Barcelona Bienestar. She is the reigning Miss Ireland Bikini Sports Model. She teaches in Russian and English. Julia says ”I help people achieve their goals to increase physical capacity and improve the quality of life. I know and love my job. You will achieve your goals!”

Chris Hunt is a personal trainer and international presenter of health and fitness who also works at Barcelona Bienestar. Chris says “whilst group exercise is enjoyed by many people, if you really want to get results and fast, then there is nothing better than a specifically designed PT program.”

Contact Julia or Chris by clicking on www.barcelonabienestar.com or by calling +34 666925474 and start your journey to health and wellness today!

Barcelona Bienestar offer a range of wellness services including personal training, fitness, cardio, Pilates, and massage.



Mila Kunis Pregnancy Pilates again

Mila Kunis Pilates Chris Hunt Pilates Mila Kunis Pregnancy Pilates again


Another week nears an end. It’s been a hot one here in Barcelona which pleases the sun worshippers and the ice-cream sellers, but maybe not so much the exercisers.

After a week of serious blog posts, I have that Celebrity Friday feeling again, my compromise afte a week of serious blogs. I have explained before (but I will again), I am not obsessed with celebrity. I have never bought Hello Magazine. What I am obsessed with is Pilates. And whilst not every one agrees, it’s my opinion that if someone starts Pilates because their friend, neighbour, sporting hero or favourite celebrity does Pilates, then why not?

I’ve had comments about glamorising Pilates, about how privileged celebrities are, about creating false hope, about living on a different planet… Whilst I respect the opinion of everyone, it is my humble opinion that these people are missing the point of my posts and they are taking everything way to seriously. All I am doing is raising the awareness of Pilates. Plain and simple. If you do not or can not understand that, then I am sorry for wasting your time and please do not read my blog on a Friday! 🙂

So today I am talking about Mila Kunis (again). The 31 year-old Hollywood actress, has been doing Pilates throughout her pregnancy, even before she announced she was pregnant with fiancé Ashton Kutcher’s baby. See my previous post “Mila Kunis Pregnancy Pilates”.

She can clearly no longer hide the fact, and she was photographed outside Hunt Pilates in California this week following a class. She is also reported to be having prenatal yoga classes as well, and she admits to cravings for sauerkraut, pickles, guacamole and fish tacos.

It’s celebrity Friday so I allow myself this day to blatantly flaunt celebrities who do Pilates, and pregnant celebrities I think are a great example to show the general public how beneficial Pilates can be and to help raise awareness.

The personal training pregnant clients that I teach in Barcelona are always blooming and more than happy to show off their “baby bumps” (their name not mine). As one of my Russian clients said to me this week, “life doesn’t have to be put on hold whilst I’m pregnant, I’m having a great time doing Pilates, exercising and enjoying all the Barcelona has to offer!”

Do you have any quotes or stories about your pregnant clients that you can share that might help us to inspire current and potential future clients? Also, I am getting conflicting comments from Pilates teachers about their training and what they have been told is safe/not safe to teach, and for how long Pilates can be taught during pregnancy and how soon after birth.

I  hope Mila’s example will convince more women to try Pilates.

Have a great weekend where ever you are in the world. If you are ever in Barcelona, then please come say hello!

Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. For more information about Pilates with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays 50% of any money made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.


Lose weight, not performance

Barcelona bienestar: Exercise in barcelona


Lose weight, not performance

Working as a fitness exercise trainer in Barcelona, I am often asked the same type of questions. In my blog I will try to answer some of these questions. Today I talk about losing weight without losing performance.

Many athletes and fitness participants wish to lose weight, either for health or performance reasons.

However, rapid weight loss can have serious health consequences leading to a reduction in performance.

Since 95% of dieters fail to maintain their weight loss within a five-year period, lifestyle management is the key to long-term weight management. Two methods that should not be entertained are crash dieting and dehydration.

It has been proven that rapid weight loss results in diminished aerobic capacity. Fat is more fattening calorie for calorie than carbohydrate. This is supported by a number of well-controlled studies. It is the over- consumption of fat, rather than carbohydrate or protein, that results in body fat gain. To lose body fat, you simply have to expand more energy (calories) than you consume.

Research has shown that a combination of diet and activity is more likely to result in long-term success than diet or exercise alone. There are no miracle solutions or short cuts. The objectives of a healthy diet and exercise programme are to:

Expand more energy than you consume

Maintain (or increase) lean tissue

Gradually reduce body fat percentage

Avoid a significant reduction in resting metabolic rate (this is the number of calories your body burns if you did nothing all day).

Obtain energy requirements from a high percentage of carbohydrate (60%) and a low percentage of fat (15-20%)

Achieve an optimal intake of vitamins and minerals

The key to successful fat loss is to cut your calories mostly from fat and to reduce carbohydrates by only a modest amount. If you reduce carbohydrate intake below the daily average requirement, glycogen stores become depleted which results in lean tissue loss, so is not a good idea.

Keys points for permanent fat loss are:

Set realistic goals, and write them down.

Monitor body composition changes by measuring chest, waist, hips, arms and legs, and obtain skin-fold thickness measurements by using callipers.

Aim to lose no more than 0.5 kg each week.

Keep a food diary. Most people eat far more than they realise or admit to.

Trim the saturated fat by using less butter, deep-fried foods, fatty meats, pastry, cakes, biscuits and chocolate.


Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength. He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. For more information about Pilates with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all the profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.

Exercise and fitness in Barcelona

Personal training in Barcelona


Exercise and fitness in Barcelona

OK, so you live in Barcelona or you are visiting Barcelona on your holiday or vacation. You want to keep fit or you want to get fit. Where do you start?

Google “exercise in Barcelona” and you will get a long list. There are many options here in this vibrant and diverse city, but who can you trust?

Since living here in Barcelona, I have noticed that the control of qualifications in the fitness and exercise industry is much more relaxed than in the UK and other European countries such as Germany.  That is a problem for someone looking to find a trainer because you have no idea what quality of qualification they have, or even if they have a qualification at all!

This does not just apply to individual trainers. I know of clubs and fitness centres here who use unqualified staff. So you can not simply join a club and think you will get professional treatment.

You should always ask for qualifications before you start to work with a personal trainer or in a group fitness exercise session.

If you choose Barcelona Bienestar, you can relax. We only use fully qualified trainers who we have personally checked out. Our main personal trainers and group exercise trainers are Julia and Chris. Julia is from Russia. She is fully qualified in fitness, exercise, Pilates, Pilates EVO and group training. She is the current Miss Ireland Bikini Fitness Model so you know that she can train hard! Chris is from London, England. He is an international trainer of fitness teachers. He travels the world (Russia, Brazil, America, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Italy, France, Latvia, Ukraine, Poland, Switzerland, China, Japan, Holland). He is also the creator of Pilates EVO and bodyFUNC training systems.

So if you are looking for professional, qualified fitness exercise trainers in Barcelona, then you can trust Barcelona Bienestar.

We work in Spanish, English and Russian.

Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength. He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. For more information about Pilates with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all the profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.

Personal Training in Barcelona

Personal training in Barcelona


Personal Training in Barcelona

There is no doubt that having a personal trainer is the best way to maximise your potential and the best way to achieve your goals. Simply going to the gym or attending group exercise classes is for most people not enough to inspire and motivate them.

If you have an existing injury or problem, then personal training is even more important.

For this reason, Barcelona Bienestar offer personal training sessions in Barcelona. Some of our clients like to train outside on the beach or in the parks in Barcelona. Some like their personal training to be just that, personal. They prefer to work with us in their home or if visiting Barcelona for a holiday or vacation then in their hotel.

We will design a program especially for you to give you the best possible chance of achieving your goals.  This will not only include exercise, but also nutrition and lifestyle.

We use many different methods to challenge the body and the mind. So for our personal training we use TRX suspension training which uses bodyweight in a challenging group of exercises. We also use boxing, jump ropes, exercise bands, exercise mini balls, weighted vest and many other exercises.

We can help you to achieve long-term fitness and exercise goals if you are living in the Barcelona area, or keep your body in the best shape if you are just visiting. We can also help you with weight-loss or muscle/bulk gains.

We also offer group fitness and exercise training sessions which are perfect as a supplement to your personal training sessions with us. Included in our program is Pilates personal training and group sessions and also functional training group sessions.

So, if you are looking for personal training in Barcelona, if you are just starting out on your road to fitness, or you are a long-term fitness person, we can help you reach a higher level.

We are totally professional in our teaching and our business. We teach in English and Russian. Chris is an International presenter and trainer of fitness teachers all over the world. Julia is the current Miss Ireland Sports Bikini Model and a qualified personal trainer. So you will be in very safe hands.

Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. For more information about Pilates with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all the profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.