My latest Snap Video shot on location in La Molina, Spain.
Keep the shoulder and pelvic girdles engaged and maintain a neutral spine at all times.
For more click on the link above.
My latest Snap Video shot on location in La Molina, Spain.
Keep the shoulder and pelvic girdles engaged and maintain a neutral spine at all times.
For more click on the link above.
My latest Snap Video is the Chest Push Up. Super slow movements, no bouncy, total control of muscle recruitment at all times. For more click on the above link.
My latest Snap Video is Criss-Cross, which focuses on the abs and especially on the obliques, all essential if you want to be the best boarder of skier that you can.
Lie on your back with a neutral spine. Bend your knees and bring your shins up so that they are parallel to the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Keep the neck relaxed and your elbows nice and wide. On the out breath curl the chin and shoulders up to the base of the shoulder blades. Keep your arms relaxed, let the abs do the work. Take the right shoulder towards the left knee ensuring a good rotation, then on the in-breath return to the starting position. Repeat on the left.
In the latest of my series of snap videos shot in location at La Molina, here is nice way to use your snowboard to get your obliques and your quadriceps warmed up for Snowboarding.
Reverse woodchop is an exercise you have probably seen in the gym. There are many ways you can perform it using cables or weights (my favourite is using TRX). The rotation and lift builds a connection between your upper and lower body that is ideal for boarding or skiing, and it also strengthens the core.
If you want to know more about how Pilates can help your snowboarding or skiing then click on
A quick rest in between runs yesterday at La Molina. Crazy warm day but a good day spent shredding the back country and try to annoy the skiers 🙂
Shot some snap videos for, how to prepare for boarding. Beautiful scenery up the mountains.