It was a sad day on Tuesday to hear that Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin were separating. For 10 years they have been one of the most interesting celebrity couples.
Gwyneth is well known to the Pilates community. After the birth of both of her children Apple, 9, and Moses, 7, it was well publicised that she used Pilates exercises in her routine to recover her strength and flexibility. It was reported at the time that she worked out for two hours every day, even if it meant having her children crawling around with her.
Gwyneth was reported to have said that as well as the physical side of Pilates, she also really understood that it was a mind and body experience, and that it made her much more conscious of her body and movements. This is a vital aspect of the system and one that must never be over-looked or diminished.
I believe this is so important that I have enhanced this aspect of Pilates in my system, Pilates EVO by using NLP, Mindfulness Meditation, Mantra chanting and meridians.