Lady Gaga Pilates and Bill Murray

Pilates EVO London Educations

Pilates Lady Gaga and Bill Murray

Lady Gaga Pilates and Bill Murray

It’s Friday again. It has been a long, hot week here in Barcelona. It’s the second heat wave of the year and records are being broken all over Europe. Whilst it’s uncomfortable for some and heaven for others, the forest fires and dangers to the elderly make it a dangerous time.

Whilst serious issues such as the heat and Greece’s potential exit from the EU have been dominating headlines, there should still be some time on a Friday for a light-heated look at Pilates. I do not take myself too seriously, and I have explained before that I am not obsessed with celebrity. I have never bought Hello Magazine. What I am obsessed with is Pilates, and whilst not every one agrees, it’s my opinion that if someone starts Pilates because their friend, neighbour, sporting hero, model, actor/actress or favourite celebrity does Pilates, then that has to be a good thing.

Whilst I know the majority of people take my posts in the intended tongue-in-cheek way, some people do miss the point slightly. I always totally respect everyone has the right to an opinion, but all I am doing is raising the awareness of Pilates. If you do not or can not understand that, then it is your choice not to read my blog today.

So no anatomy today, no technical information. But how do I get a headline Pilates Lady Gaga and Bill Murray? It’s common knowledge that Lady Gaga is a big fan of Pilates and continues to use the system to rehabilitate and improve her performance, as the picture above shows. But Bill Murray? Well, he made an appearance yesterday in San Diego to promote his new film, and he joked that he was preparing to audition for the role of a young Han Solo by doing “lots of swimming and Pilates”. Anytime a man mentions Pilates I am happy, as you may have read in my post earlier this week Man Utd Star Loves Pilates. But Bill, I do not think that even Pilates will get you a shot at that role…

Have a great Friday all you Pilates people everywhere, and a great weekend. Like me I imagine that many of you will be “working” over the weekend, but when out “work” give us as much pleasure as it does, there is nothing we would rather be doing.

Chris Hunt is a Pilates and functional training presenter and educator based in London and Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also created Pilates Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. He organises Pilates events, retreats, fitness holidays and sports holidays in Barcelona and Ibiza. For more information about training with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris Hunt, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris Hunt pays all profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on and selecting the “charity partners” tab.

PilatesEVO London Educations Oct 2015 v.1PilatesEVO Cotswolds Educations Oct 2015 v.1

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