Calling all Level 3 and above Pilates Teachers!
As the CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited, I am looking to expand our network of Pilates teachers throughout the UK by adding a selected number of teachers and studios to our register, and I would like to invite you to apply.
As you may already know, Pilates Rehab Limited is a UK-wide business which operates a register of Pilates teachers to whom we pass work obtained from a variety of sources. The nature of the work is probably very similar to the type of work you do now. It is not seriously injured clients, more commonly it is people with minor postural issues or clients who are rehabilitating after minor injury or operation; the type of clients that you probably have already. Our clients are usually treated in their homes, and we give you the chance to specify to us exactly which geographical locations you are willing to work in, so you do not have to travel far any further than you want to.
I would like to stress that you can accept or refuse as many clients as you wish. You are not obligated to accept clients, so if you currently have capacity for one extra client a week, or 10, it is entirely your choice. Also, there is no cost to you to join our register, it is totally free.
As one of our representatives in your area, we will give you new local clients, with an agreed number of private sessions. You will not need to carry out any advertising, as we do all that. We simply provide you with new clients, who you are free to accept or refuse. If you accept, you arrange mutually convenient times with the client for their sessions to take place. The work is subject to some easy to achieve operational service standards. These service standards are necessary, so we can show the people who instruct us that we are professional in the way we carry out our business.
The benefits to you as an individual teacher include:
1. New clients provided to you in a location that you specify, with no marketing or cost to you.
2. A guaranteed fee per session.
3. Freedom for you to accept as much or as little work as you want to.
4. Freedom to arrange sessions at a time and location convenient to you and the Client, subject to our service standards.
5. Access to our community of Pilates Teachers to share ideas and knowledge.
If you are a studio owner, there are many other ways you can benefit from working with us:
1. You can be an agent and use one or all of your qualifying registered Pilates Teachers.
2. We may hire your studio to run workshops and training seminars for our practitioners.
3. We may offer you the possibility of becoming our regional representative, teaching and running workshops and seminars.
4. Your studio may be used by our clients as a venue for their Pilates sessions.
5. We work with local clients to organise new group sessions that may take place at your studio.
Often new teachers ask “where’s the catch, this seems too good to be true?”. There is no catch, simply a great chance for you to earn more money.
If you would like to be considered for our team and make Pilates more accessible to the people who really need it, then please click on and complete a Teacher Application Form.
You may have questions, so please contact me if you would like to discuss matters further. My personal mobile number is 07947 650809.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Chris is an international Pilates and functional training presenter and educator based in London and Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength. He also created Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. He organises retreats, fitness holidays and sports holidays in Barcelona. For more information about training with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.
Chris pays all profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on and selecting the “charity partners” tab.