Pilates and Dance: What is influencing what?

Chris Hunt Pilates Pilates and Dance blog

Pilates and Dance: Have we gone too far?

I do not go looking for controversy, but I am not afraid to speak my mind either, and after all that is what a blog should be for. I certainly do not write articles to create animosity or bad feeling, so please understand that before you read this article or comment upon it. I write from my own opinion, so obviously you might think me right or wrong depending on your own opinion, but we all have the right to our opinion. I respect yours, so please respect mine.

With that said I want to talk about Pilates and dance. We all know that Joseph Pilates was not a dancer, and that in his early days he did not work to any great extent with dancers. It was opening his studio next door to the New York City Ballet that really began the love affair between Pilates and dance, and that affair is still going strong today.

We also all know exactly why Pilates is so suited to dancers so it is not my intention to discuss that here today. What I want to talk about is not so much how much Pilates has influenced dance and dancers, but how much dance and dancers are influencing Pilates.

I know many wonderful Pilates teachers who are former dancers, some of who were integral in my first Pilates experiences and my decision to become a Pilates professional. What concerns me are presenters who are turning Pilates into dance choreography. This means that I come across Pilates teachers who have only ever trained with certain presenters so their idea of Pilates is clearly and fundamentally influenced by dance.

So how should the Pilates method be taught to new teachers?

Everybody has their own individual take on our beloved system, me included (see Pilates EVO: From the Heart). I respect everyone’s ideas, and many of those individual “takes” are wonderful and enhance the experience.  But for me the basic principles are sacrosanct and so is a more classical grounding. I only teach Pilates EVO to teachers who are already fully qualified. I see it as an add-on to people’s fundamental knowledge, not the starting point.

I do not think it is good that people do not experience fundamental training and then different types of Pilates, so they can understand that different presenters do sometimes have very different interpretations of the method. I see conventions year after year that feature the same list of presenters, and whilst I am not questioning the value of anyone’s integrity, ability, knowledge or professionalism, in my opinion that can continue to perpetuate the insular beliefs and experiences in some teacher’s minds about what Pilates is.

So what is your opinion about Pilates and dance? Do you agree that there is some truth in what I say, or is your opinion different? I would love to know, so please share.

Chris is an international Pilates and functional training presenter and educator based in London and Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. He organises fitness holidays and sports holidays in Barcelona, as well as retreats. For more information about training with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.


Pilates services for people living in the UK

Pilates Rehab Chris Hunt


Pilates service for people living in the UK

If you are the type of person who wants to be responsible for your own health and rehabilitation, we can help you. If your business suffers from absenteeism due to injuries and back problems, we can help you.

How can we help you?
We can help you with many things such as whiplash injuries, pre and post pregnancy training and others including the following issues:

• Neck and back injuries
• Shoulder injuries and tendonitis
• Hip injuries and bursitis
• Ankle injuries
• Knee injuries and total knee/hip replacements
• Sciatica
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Fibromyalgia
• Scoliosis
• Repetitive stress injuries

Why do we do what we do?
Because at Pilates Rehab Limited we are passionate about Pilates. We believe that many people can gain great benefit from regular, structured Pilates sessions. Our purpose is to deliver Pilates to everyone in the UK who wants or needs it, in an approachable, friendly and efficient way, whilst achieving the very highest levels of customer care and service.

How do we do it?
We provide a single point of contact for the provision of Pilates throughout the UK via our own network of highly qualified teachers. Pilates Rehab aim to teach you a new system of exercise and body use, so you take more control and responsibility for your rehabilitation, helping you to recover from any specific complaint, and also improving your posture and flexibility. You will also have access to our life-time support package.

Pilates Rehab Ltd can work in conjunction with your GP, Consultant or physio/osteopath, and our teachers all work to our strict service standards and the highest levels of treatment and customer care. Pilates Rehab is a signatory of the BICMA Quality Standards for Rehabilitation Providers whilst operating in accordance with the UKRC Rehabilitation Standards.

What do we do?
Pilates Rehab Ltd offers excellent value for money as our prices are cheaper than other alternatives. Treatment is also more convenient, as sessions are typically carried out at client’s homes or places of work. Our strict Code of Practise ensures timely and relevant reports and information are provided to any referring organisation.

Pilates Rehab Ltd brings together expertise in the handling of injury claims and the rehabilitation process, professional treatment, and the highest standards of customer service, to help our clients achieve an earlier return to best recovery, and reduce the likelihood of a relapse.

We also work with sportsmen and women to help them recover from injury or to improve their performance, and we use other techniques including personal training to help our clients acheive their goals.  We can also give you advice on diet and nutrition.

We are the answer for all your Pilates and wellness needs where ever you are in the UK.


Action bias: Are fitness and Pilates systems guilty?

Chris Hunt Pilates BarcelonaAction bias: Are fitness and Pilates systems guilty?

It has been a rainy day in Barcelona, so not much fitness training going on outside but lots of time to read. I read a lot, but I am of the opinion that we cannot read too much. I also like to think alot, and to apply principles of life and science to exercise and fitness.

Action bias is an interesting subject. The more I see “new” systems of exercise and Pilates, the more I think that people are falling into the action bias trap.

So what exactly is action bias? It basically means look active even if it achieves nothing. Move even when not moving makes more sense. Do something, anything, even if it makes things worse. Goalkeepers when facing a penalty suffer from it. Even doctors can be guilty because there is a human tendency to want to do anything but be still and wait.

Maybe we can trace this back to our hunter-gatherer ancestors who quickly learnt that to move was a better way of staying alive than staying put. But in this day and age, even though we value contemplation more, we can still view total inaction as a cardinal sin. But whilst society at large may still prefer rash action to a sensible wait-and-see strategy, how can we apply this to fitness?

In my system Pilates EVO, I make sure that there are regular pauses. I see these as vital, a time to receive, to understand, stillness to gain appreciation and understanding. This is prevalent in Kundalini as well. I like the definition of meditation that concentrates on the gap in between thoughts. Inaction that in my opinion at the right time can bring far more benefits than constant movement. People say to me that Pilates is about movement. But what about awareness? If we are always moving our level of awareness can be negatively effected.

Whilst I cannot see Les Mills introducing stillness into bodyPUMP anytime soon, as a Pilates teacher I see it as an important part of my teaching, and when I am in the gym in between sets I stop and bring my awareness inside my body, especially the body part I was just exercising. When I am training people here in Barcelona even in the total action sports including surfing, mountain biking and snowboarding, stopping and inaction are important parts of the experience and learning process.

I am interested to hear about your opinion on this subject. Do you like to keep people moving or do you have a different take?

I think that Welsh Poet W H Davies had a point in his appropriately entitled poem “Leisure” in 1911 when he said:

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

Chris is an international Pilates and functional training presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. He organises fitness holidays and sports holidays in Barcelona, as well as retreats. For more information about training with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.

Everything happens for a reason

Chris Hunt Pilates Wellness

Everything happens for a reason

It has been a wet and rainy day here in Barcelona, which is stark contrast to yesterday which was gloriously hot and sunny. How things change, and what a difference a day makes!

When I started this blog, I had an air of enthusiastic nievevity. This was my chance to vent my spleen, to tell whoever wanted to listen exactly what I was thinking and feeling.

All the articles that claim to have the secrets to a successful blog say make it personal, connect with your readers and they will keep coming back. But I also wanted my blog to be a source of information and a place to debate issues that I think need to be debated. So, in keeping with many things in my life, it was getting complicated by the number of things I was trying to achieve at the same time. Andy, a good friend of mine once bought me a book called ” Simplify your Life”. I wish I had read it.

I want to get back to my original intentions and write not only about health and fitness, but also once a week to get off my chest my thoughts and emotions. I have lots of those. Sometimes I put them into the songs I write, sometimes I tell anyone and everyone who will listen, and other times I keep them inside (that is the most dangerous scenario). I once wrote a song I called “I think I thought too much”. Maybe the next song I write should be “I think I talk too much”.

Please remember that what I write here cannot be wrong as much as it cannot be right, because ultimately it’s my opinion, an opinion that may or my not mean anything to you, but to me it means everything.

We live in a world of celebrity, where substance seems to be less important than superficial. That applies to all areas of life I see (including the world of fitness) where appearance and commerciality seem more important to many people than honesty, integrity and character. In Pilates we talk about deep lying muscles and superficial muscles. The superficial is all too easy to see, whereas anything deeper is often hidden or very under developed. There is a tendency to glorify the superficial when we should we looking inside.

If you ask someone about a particular movie, you might get from them their opinion if they have seen it, or a sample of reviews they have read, but usually and ultimately you are getting their opinion. That is all they can give. So many times we will take that opinion and make decisions based upon it. The more people we ask the more opinions we will have to draw on, but still we are gathering subjective information based upon other people’s complex decision making processes which can go back to childhood experiences and include everything else that has happened to them since then. Whether we like it or not, throughout out life, especially when we are children, we are being programmed by our parents, teachers, and the society we live in. Of course the vast majority of that programming is done with the best of intentions. But it is still programming. Some is necessary and very helpful. But some leaves us with the residue of other people’s programmed fears and negative experiences and it can take a lifetime to shake the disease off.

In my life I lived to a program for many years, always knowing deep down that it was not the program for me. But programming can be very strong. Mostly with intention, during the last 10 years of my life I have given up most of the things that were important to me (or at least I thought they were). Some people call it a mid-life crisis. I prefer mid-life enlightenment. It’s an incredibly liberating experience, but also scary, thought provoking and at time panic inducing. But I’m still standing. Repeat after me, “we grow the most when we are outside our comfort zone”. I can confirm this to be true. In fact never has a truer word been spoken. Apart from “don’t pay the ferryman until he gets you to the other side”.

I’ve learnt not to get attached. Silly example, last week my Dr Dre Mixr Beats snapped in half. In the balance of life a very trivial thing, but as anyone who knows me (check out my pictures as well) will know that music is an integral and vital part of my life, and my Beats are the instrument that delivers this life-enhancing nectar to my ears, thus we are inseparable. So whilst I was a little inconvenienced, it was not so much a material heartache, more a musical heartache (Bonnie Tyler or Pepsi and Shirley. I’ll give you that one just incase you hadn’t noticed all the song titles in my words so far. Pay attention now… This shit’s about to get heavy.)

To be “happy” or “enlightened” (as I am buddhist) does not mean you have to throw away all material possessions. It’s perfectly ok to have nice things, expensive things, designer things. The key point here is that you must not become attached to those objects. They must not be the meaning of your life. The same logic can be applied to relationships. Enjoy the things you have in your life, be grateful, but always remember, there’s never a forever thing.

The most important lesson I have learnt through out my life experiences and studying Buddhism and psychology is the old truism that everything happens for a reason. Cliched it might be, but it’s incredibly powerful if you embrace it and really believe it. It gives you the power to take set-backs and even body blows but get up again, trusting that the Universe (or God if you prefer) has a master-plan. Of course even if you don’t believe in a divine roadmap, the truth is there is usually nothing you can do after a setback other than learn the lessons you need to learn, and move forwards and upwards. But if you believe that everything happens for a reason, it opens your heart and mind to new possibilities that in other circumstances you might have missed. Everything that happens to us in life can be seen as a lesson. And if you keep getting the same lessons (“why do I always end up with a bad partner”, “why do my bosses always take advantage of me”, “why does my weight fluctuate so much”, “why is it I never have any money/time/friends”) it’s probably because you aren’t learning your lesson and you are repeating patterns of behaviour that are not getting you what you want. So guess what? You will keep getting the same results until you change your behaviour. That’s not rocket science, so you do not have to be a scientist to understand it.

So why did my Dr Dre’s break? A faulty headband? Me being too heavy handed? A message from the Divine? Maybe. But what it did do was stop me being in a cocoon of music and open my ears on that flight to Barcelona and no surprises, I met a very intesting person to whom I talked.

My last thought for today’s blog. When things go wrong, it is very easy to wallow in self-pity and memories of what we remember as “better times”. Usually we only look back at our past because we do have a clear future. But we can have a clear future if that is what we choose to have.

Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. He organises fitness holidays and sports holidays in Barcelona, as well as retreats. For more information about training with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.

Fitness and sport holidays in Barcelona

Chris Hunt Teaching Surfingwww.barcelonabienestar.com

Fitness and sport holidays in Barcelona, Spain

A holiday means many different things to different people.

Some people go to a beach resort to relax in the sun. Some people choose adventure holidays to explore. Some people like sightseeing breaks or a more gastronomic emphasis to immerse themselves in a different culture. Some people choose sport-based holidays to practise their favourite hobby or try something new like golf, horse-riding, skiing or snowboarding, mountain biking, kite surfing, surfing, SUP (stand up paddle) or hiking.

So why is a holiday to Barcelona such a great choice? It is because in Barcelona you can have every one of the holidays mentioned above.

More people are choosing to have some organisation to their holiday. The days of the traditional package holiday may be long gone as people use the internet to create their own designer holidays, but more people want something constructive to do on their holiday. But they do not want a hotel-organised series of events or classes that the hotel manager thinks you will like at a time specified by the hotel. They want a tailor-made, personal itinerary that fits in with individual particular requirements and timescales.

This is where Barcelona Bienestar answers the needs of our clients. There is nothing we cannot arrange and organise for our clients who come to us from all over the world. Barcelona is such a diverse and interesting city and we complement this by giving our clients a personal itinerary so they can maximise their enjoyment of their holiday.

We offer a health and wellness package based around whatever interests our clients. Fitness activities include personal training, Pilates, TRX, boxing, weighted vest training, functional training, HIIT, and programs based around specific sports such as Stand up Paddle (SUP) fitness, skiing/snowboarding, surfing, walking, mountain biking, rock climbing and many more. For all these activities, we arrange time not only training, but also practising. So you will get time on a surf board, on the slopes or on a mountain.

But it’s not just physical holidays we offer. We also offer a range of wellness and beauty services including massage, diet, weight loss, eye lash curling and extensions, gel nails and meditation.

We also organise cultural holidays including the arts and gastronomy, and we give advice on all aspects of Barcelona from the best restaurants to the best sights to see.

We take the stress out of organising your holiday, but you are always in control so you have exactly the holiday you want and need. We can simply arrange your activities, or on a full package we can organise your hotel, meals and transfers as well. What ever you want and need.

We have clients from all over the world including America, England, Germany, Sweden, Russia, China, France, Italy, Holland and Australia.

For more information, click on www.barcelonabienestar.com or contact us and let us organise your dream holiday for you. Barcelona is waiting for you, and so are we.



Hur du kan omvandla din semester I Barcelona till en hälso- och fitness semester

Personal training and fitness holidays in Barcelona www.barcelonabienestar.com

En semester kan betyda manga olika saker för olika människor.

Vissa ligger på stranden och njuter av solen. Vissa väljer en äventyrs semester för att utforska och uppleva sin destination. Vissa gillar sightseeing och andra väljer att lägga mer vikt på gastronomi fär att lära sig mer om en ny kultur. Vissa gillar sport-baserade semestrar för att utöva sin favorit sport, eller for att prova nagot nytt, som till exempel golf, ridning, skidåkning eller snowboarding, mountainbiking, surfa/paddle boarding eller vandring. Andra kanske vill ha musik och konst som huvud aktivitet pa sin semester.

Så varför är då Barcelona ett så bra val?
Därför att i Barcelona finns möjligheten att uppleva allt som jag nämnde ovan.

Fler och fler väljer att resa på ett mer organiserat sätt nu för tiden. Visst, dagarna då man bokade traditionella paketresor må vara över, då man numera använder internet mer och mer för att skräddarsy sin egen designer semester, men allt fler vill ha något konstruktivt att göra på sin lediga tid.
Men man vill inte enbart ha aktiviteter organiserade genom hotellet, där hotell chefen bestämmer när och var aktiviteten ska äga rum.
Man vill ha ett skräddarsytt, personligt schema som passar in med andra önskemål och tids-restriktioner.

Det är här vi, Barcelona Bienestar, möter behovet av våra klienter. Det finns ingenting som är omöjligt för oss att arrangera och organisera åt våra gäster, som kommer till oss från världens alla hörn.
Barcelona är en väldigt spännande och inressant stad och vi kompletterar detta med att ge våra klienter ett personligt schema så att de kan få ut det mesta av deras semester.

Vi erbjuder ett hälso- och välmåående paket baserat på klientens intresse. Fitness-aktiviteter såsom personlig tränaing, Pilates, TRX, boxning, träning med vikt-väst, funktions träning, HIIT samt program baserade runt en specifik sport, såsom Stand Up Paddle, skidåkning/snowboarding, surfing, vandring, mountainbiking, bergsklättring med mera. För alla dessa aktiviteter erbjuder vi inte bara träning, utan också tid för att öva och förbättra. Så du får tid på en surf bräda, i skidbacken eller i bergen om du vill, eller så kan du få ett träningsprogram med bas i Barcelona. Valmöjligheterna är oändliga.
Men det är inte bara fysisk aktivitet vi erbjuder. Vi erbjuder också en mängd olika hälso- och skönhets behandligar, inklusive massage, kostråd, viktminskning, ögonfrans böjning och förlängning, gel naglar och meditation. Vi kan också arrangera kulturella aktiviteter, inklusive konst och gastronomi, och vi ger råd angående alla aspekter av Barcelona, från de bästa restaurangerna till de mest sevärda siterna.

Vi fråntar stressen av att planera en semester, men du är alltid i kontroll så att du får exakt den semestern du vill ha och behöver.
Vi kan antingen planera enbart dina aktiviteter, eller så kan vi planera ett fullt paket, där vi bokar hotell, planerar måltider samt arrangerar transer till och från flygplatsen. Vad du än behöver.

För mer information, klicka på www.barcelonabienestar.com eller kontakta oss direkt och låt oss arrangera din drömsemester. En semester där du efteråt kommer återvända hem med en mental och fysisk tillfredställelse. Barcelona väntar på dig, och det gör vi också.


Stretching: When should you? How long? Why?

Chris Hunt Blog StretchingStretching: When should you? How long? Why?


When is the best time to stretch? How long should we stretch for? Why should we stretch? Does Pilates help to improve flexibility in a safer way? All questions that provoke different opinions and attitudes. I have people come from all over the world to work with me here in Barcelona on my fitness holidays or retreats, and I also train teachers in many different countries, so I hear a lot of different ideas and opinions. So….

Today I want to talk about stretching. Whilst I write my articles aimed at fitness professionals to get different opinions, I also know that many members of the public read my blog as well so I want to make this post informative. However this is still a blog post so by its very nature it needs to be short and sweet.

Let’s start with what is not in dispute (at least I hope we can agree on this).

Your body relies on three main types of tissue when it comes to movement: muscles, ligaments and tendons. However, these tissues can become tight over time, resulting in a reduced range of motion and a higher risk for injury. Stretching can help remedy this problem, when used the correct way and at the correct times within your weekly workout schedule.

One of the main long-term effects of stretching is an increase in your overall flexibility. When you make stretching a habit, you slowly stretch out the connective tissues of your body. Over time, this lengthens the tissues, improving the range of motion in your joints, and in turn your overall ability to move. Stretching these muscles and connective tissues can also help relieve muscle stiffness and reduce the risk of joint degeneration.

More flexibility may also decrease the risk of injuries related to overstretched or overextended muscles and other connective tissues. This is true as long as stretching is thought of as a regular routine, instead of acute stretching directly before exercise, sports practice or a game. Stretching after exercise can also help reduce aches and pains, according to the American Council on Exercise. This is due to stretching’s ability to reduce the shortening and tightening effect of tissues that occurs after exercise and leads to aches and pains.

Static flexibility is stretching one muscle or joint for a duration of time, usually about 30 seconds. This method relaxes the muscles by reducing the amount of neural stimulation which also lengthens any tightness in the muscles and tissues. You should perform static flexibility after your workout, not before, to cool down and relax your body.

Dynamic flexibility is moving one or more joints or muscles in their full range of motion repetitively with control. This method increase neural stimulation, prepares your mind and body for the upcoming workout or activity and increase body temperature. You should perform dynamic flexibility before your workout or activity.

Since the body moves in three primary directions, perform your stretches in all planes of motion that your joint allows. For example, rather than stretching your shoulder in one direction, move your shoulder and together in various directions repetitively until it feels looser, such as over your head, out to the side, in front of you and across your body. Add a rotation to your arm and wrist as you move to experiment with different stretches.

Agreed? I hope so. But now let’s talk about the areas where there is less agreement. There is evidence that static stretching before a game or practice may actually hurt athletic performance (Dr. L.W. McDaniel). The negative effects of static stretching before athletic competition can last up to an hour after the stretching has been completed.

Several papers have been published which has produced a substantial body of evidence that stretching may not be the way to improve performance and decrease risk of injury. There are two studies that have reported that strength was reduced up to one hour after static stretching (Fowles et al. 2000] and Kokkonen et al. 1998). Another study that focused on peak torque during concentric isokinetic leg extension discovered that after one active and three passive stretches, strength decreased at both high and low speeds (Cramer et al. 2004)

So in conclusion, in most cases static stretching before exercise reduces an athlete’s power and strength. If the athlete participates in power or strength exercises acute stretching may not be recommended. For many competitive athletes warming up completely prior to competition and stretching after competition or training may be more important. By stretching afterwards the athlete gains flexibility without compromising power and strength. An additional consideration related to stretching would be to not over extend your range of motion (over stretch a muscle) this practice may cause muscle damage.

How does this evidence relate to the public in general, personal training clients and Pilates client’s in particular? What is your experience personally and with your clients? What are your routines for stretching with your clients?

Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. For more information about Pilates with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.


Как превратить отпуск в Барселоне в ретрит здоровья и фитнеса

Personal training in Barcelona


Как превратить отпуск в Барселоне в ретрит здоровья и фитнеса

Поездка в отпуск для каждого из нас имеет своё значение.
Кто-то отправляется на морской курорт, чтобы удобно расположившись на шезлонге, расслабиться на солнце. Другие предпочитают познавательные приключения. Для кого-то поездка в отпуск- это экскурсионные поездки по историческим и значемым местам, или экскурсии с гастрономическим акцентом, позволяющие погрузиться в другую культуру. Некоторые люди, приверженцы активного отдыха, предпочитают попробовать нечто новое – лыжи или сноуборд, горный велосипед, серфинг, пешие прогулки или проводить отпуск в основе которого лежит спорт и любимое хобби. Кому-то, возможно, нравится музыка и искусство – и это лежит в основе их отпуска.

Так почему же отпуск в Барселоне идеальный выбор? А всё потому, что в Барселоне вы можете провести отпуск на любой вкус.

Всё больше людей приходят к тому, чтобы организовать отдых согласно собственным предпочтениям и интересам. Дни традиционного отдыха по стандартным путёвкам уходят в прошлое, теперь люди используют интернет, чтобы планировать свои собственные уникальные путешествия. Некоторые люди предпочитают конструктивно организованный отпуск, но не желают участвовать в каких- либо стандартно организованных поездках при гостинице, которые, как считает руководство отеля, будут интересными и доступными для вас в указанное ими время согласно расписанию. Всё больше людей, планирующих поездку в отпуск, отдают предпочтение тому, чтобы все мероприятия и маршруты «на заказ» были составленны согласно их конкретным запросам и временным рамкам.

Поэтому, Barcelona Bienestar, является отличным выбором и отвечает всем потребностям наших клиентов. Для нас нет ничего, что мы не сможем организовать для наших клиентов, которые приезжают к нам со всего мира. Барселона является таким разнообразным, многогранным и интересным городом, и Barcelona Bienestar дополняет это, предоставляя своим клиентам индивидуально подобранные маршруты, чтобы максимизировать пользу и наслаждение отпуском.
Мы предлагаем оздоровительные и фитнес пакеты на основе того, что интересует наших клиентов. Фитнес мероприятия включают работу с персональным тренером: пилатес, TRX, бокс, утяжеляющий жилет, функциональный тренинг, HIIT, и программы, основанные на определенных видах спорта, таких как серфинг с веслом или SUP (Stand-up Paddling) фитнес, катание на лыжах / сноуборде, серфинг, прогулки, катание на горных велосипедах, скалолазание и многое другое. Для всех этих мероприятий, мы организуем время не только для обучения, но и даём возможность практиковать полученные навыки. Таким образом, вы прекрасно проведёте время, катаясь на доске для серфинга или лазая по склонам гор.

Barcelona Bienestar предлагает вам не только физические нагрузки. Мы также предлагаем широкий спектр оздоровительных и косметических услуг, включая массаж, диету, программы по снижению веса, медитации, а также завивка и наращивание ресниц, гелевые ногти и гель-лак.
Мы также организуем культурные программы и гастрономические экскурсии. Мы даем консультации по лучшим ресторанам и достопримечательностям Барселоны, которые стоит посетить.

Barcelona Bienestar, берёт все заботы по организации Вашего отдыха, но вы всегда можете контролировать этот процесс, чтобы получить от поездки и проведённого отпуска всё, что вам нужно и всё о чём вы мечтали.

Для получения дополнительной информации, нажмите на www.barcelonabienestar.com или свяжитесь с нами и дайте нам организовать отпуск Вашей мечты. Барселона ждет вас! Мы тоже!


Comment faire de votre séjour à Barcelone une retraite de santé et de remise en forme

Formation personnelle à Barcelone Comment faire de votre séjour à Barcelone une retraite de santé et de remise en forme

Un jour férié signifie beaucoup de choses différentes pour différentes personnes.

Certaines personnes vont à une station de plage pour se détendre au soleil. Certaines personnes choisissent des vacances d’aventure à explorer. Certaines personnes aiment les pauses touristiques ou un accent plus gastronomique de s’immerger dans une culture différente. Certaines personnes choisissent de vacances axés sur le sport à pratiquer leur passe-temps favori ou d’essayer quelque chose de nouveau, comme le golf, l’équitation, le ski ou le snowboard, le VTT, le surf / SUP ou la randonnée. D’autres pourraient vouloir musique et les arts pour former la base de leurs vacances.

Alors, pourquoi est un jour férié à Barcelone un excellent choix? C’est parce que à Barcelone, vous pouvez avoir tous les vacances que je mentionne ci-dessus.

Plus de gens choisissent d’avoir une organisation de leurs vacances. Les jours de vacances à forfait traditionnels peuvent être révolue depuis longtemps que les gens utilisent l’Internet pour créer leurs propres vacances de luxe, mais plus de gens veulent quelque chose de constructif à faire sur leurs vacances. Mais ils ne veulent pas d’une série d’hôtel organisé des événements ou des classes que le directeur de l’hôtel pense que vous aimerez à une heure spécifiée par l’hôtel. Ils veulent, un itinéraire personnel sur mesure qui s’inscrit dans les exigences et les délais particuliers individuels.

C’est là que Barcelone Bienestar répond aux besoins de nos clients. Il n’y a rien que nous ne pouvons pas et d’organiser pour nos clients qui nous viennent de partout dans le monde. Barcelone est une ville diversifiée et intéressante et nous nous complétons en donnant à nos clients un itinéraire personnel afin qu’ils puissent maximiser leur jouissance de leurs vacances.

Nous offrons un programme de santé et de bien-être basé autour de quelque intérêt de nos clients. activités de remise en forme comprennent la formation personnelle, Pilates, TRX, la boxe, la formation de veste lestée, fonctionnelles formation, HIIT, et des programmes basés autour des sports spécifiques tels que Stand Up Paddle (SUP) de remise en forme, ski / snowboard, le surf, la marche, le vélo de montagne, escalade et beaucoup plus. Pour toutes ces activités, nous organisons de temps non seulement la formation, mais aussi pratique. Ainsi vous obtiendrez le temps sur une planche de surf, sur les pistes ou sur une montagne.

Mais ce n’est pas seulement les activités physiques que nous offrons. Nous proposons également une gamme de services de bien-être et beauté: massage, régime, perte de poids, les yeux curling cils et les extensions, les ongles en gel et la méditation.

Nous organisons aussi des vacances culturelles, y compris les arts et la gastronomie, et nous donnons des conseils sur tous les aspects de Barcelone des meilleurs restaurants à des sites à voir.

Nous prenons le stress de l’organisation de vos vacances, mais vous êtes toujours en contrôle de sorte que vous avez exactement les vacances que vous voulez et le besoin. Nous ne pouvons tout simplement organiser vos activités, ou sur un ensemble complet, nous pouvons organiser votre hôtel, les repas et les transferts ainsi. Qu’est-ce que vous voulez et le besoin.

Pour plus d’informations, cliquez sur www.barcelonabienestar.com ou contactez-nous et laissez-nous organiser vos vacances de rêve pour vous. Barcelone vous attend, et nous le sommes aussi.

Naked cycling kit

Naked cycling kit Chris Hunt Wellness www.chrishuntwellness.com

As someone who trains all types of sportsmen and women including cyclists (see www.sportcorestrength.com for more) in Barcelona, I love a good sports story on a Monday, and this one is breaking today.

So here it is! The “naked” Bogota Humana cycling kit that a Columbian team wore for the Tour of Tuscany race in Italy. It has been branded “unacceptable” by the International Cycling Union.

What do you think? I think i know your answer…

Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. For more information about Pilates with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway? You can also subscribe by completing the form on the this BLOG to receive articles and special offers straight to your inbox.

Chris pays all profits made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness.com and selecting the “charity partners” tab.