Denise Richards: Celebrity Pilates for the over 40’s

Denise Richards Chris Hunt Pilates

Celebrity posts always get a huge reaction in my blogs. Clearly some people feel strongly that celebrities do not warrant any web-space, so this is my compromise. Friday is now my day for celebrity Pilates posts. #pilatescelebfriday.

I have explained before, I am not obsessed with celebrity. I have never bought Hello Magazine. What I am obsessed with is Pilates. And whilst not every one agrees with me, it’s my opinion that if someone starts Pilates because their friend, neighbour, sporting hero or favourite celebrity does Pilates, then why not? It’s our job as teachers to use that enthusiasm people have and turn it into reality.

I’ve had all the comments about glamorising Pilates, about how privileged celebrities are, about creating false hope, about living on a different planet from “real life”. Whilst I respect the opinion of everyone, it is my humble opinion that these people are missing the point of my posts and they are taking everything way to seriously in an insular way. All I am doing is raising the awareness of Pilates. Plain and simple. And if you do not or can not understand that, then I am sorry for wasting your time and please do not read my blog on a Friday! 🙂

This week, Denise Richards, the 43-year-old actress, showed off her figure whilst shopping in Beverly Hills. The mother-of-three looked busy as she padded down the street with her hands full with shopping bags on Monday.

Denise is a devout Pilates practitioner, and the reports of her clearly felt that her “fitness regimen had been paying off, as her toned arms and pins were put on full display”.

She was with her daughters, who were fathered by ex-husband Charlie Sheen.

I think it is useful that people realise Pilates brings benefits to people of all ages. Whilst Denise probably falls into the demographic that a lot of people associate with Pilates, as teachers we have seen the benefits that Pilates can bring to all ages from children to pensioners.

So that was celebrity Friday. Thank you Denise for your dedication to Pilates.

Chris is an international Pilates presenter and educator based in Barcelona, Spain. He is the creator of Pilates EVO©, bodyFUNC©, and CEO of Pilates Rehab Limited and Sport Core Strength.  He also organises Pilates Carnival and Fitness Carnival, conventions where all profits go to local children’s charities. For more information about Pilates with Chris in Barcelona, please click on Barcelona Bienestar. To learn more about Chris, please read Just who is Chris Hunt anyway?

Chris pays 50% of any money made from this BLOG to his charity partners. More details can be found by clicking on www.chrishuntwellness and selecting the “charity partners” tab.


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