Naomi Campbell Pilates before Breakfast


Anything that raises awareness of Pilates can only be a good thing. In today’s culture, it’s a fact that many people associate themselves with celebrities. I’ve no intention of arguing the rights of wrongs of this, I just accept it as a fact, and if just one person tries Pilates because of one of my blogs, then I consider this to be a success. If you want a technical Pilates discussion then please click on the link above to my website or my Facebook link below and let’s chat 🙂

This week another celebrity got herself some lovely exposure in the world press by publishing a picture of herself doing Pilates. This time it’s Supermodel Naomi Campbell who revealed the secret behind her famous figure.

The 43 year-old British model posted a picture of herself on WhoSay of her morning workout regime with the caption: ‘Morning darling stretch and Rise”

In a recent interview with Harpers Bazaar, the supermodel recently revealed pilates as an essential part of her morning routine in between green juice drinks and herbal tea. Her pictures show her on her own personal reformer. Whilst this is out of reach of us mortals, there are of course many Pilates exercises you can do at home without the need for expensive equipment.

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