iKettle for Christmas? How have you lived without one for so long?

iKettle www.chrishuntblog

Just when you thought there wasn’t anything left on the earth to put the letter “i” in front of, may I introduce the iKettle, the must have kitchen accessory for this Christmas?

So how have you lived your life so far without a kettle that has WIFI? How many times have you woken up at night in a cold sweat wondering how you can communicate with your kettle?

Wonder no more. Now, using an app on your iPhone or Android phone, you can set your iKettle boiling without even getting up from your sofa. So when that 2 minute ad break is approaching, you no longer have to rush your tea making process. iKettle buys you an extra minute of brewing time to ensure a more rounded cup of tea. Now you’re not laughing at the concept are you? And there’s more, so much more! You can use the app as an alarm clock, so you wake up to boiling kettle, but even more than that, you can even choose how hot your water is by programming the iKettle to switch off at 65c, 80c, 95c or 100c (aficionados are apparently still arguing what is the ideal temperature. Maybe they should get a proper job?)

So, 2 minutes ago you were laughing at the prospect of a WIFI kettle. Now you want one, don’t you?

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